Our Mission

The National Black Parents Association UK C.I.C.

Also known as NBPAUK, is an online, signposting platform that will work in partnership with a wide range of National grassroots organisations that will support families with:

(i) Advice about the different aspects of the education system

(ii) Entrepreneurship, apprenticeships, and career development 

(iii) Mental health and emotional wellbeing

(iv) Facilitating parents’ access to a wide range of useful organisations, stakeholders, and professionals through an extensive online directory/database

Our Vision

To provide a comprehensive support network pertaining to educational matters for Black parents nationwide. We also aim to provide a collective voice for Black parents across the UK with the power and resources to lobby the government, to ensure the futures of Black children are regarded as highly as those of other racial groups.

In light of the current backdrop of inequality, it is important that an organisation such as NBPAUK exists, to try to address the underlying issues behind racial discrimination in institutions, especially in education. Children from Black African, Black African Caribbean and Black African/Caribbean dual heritage backgrounds still show disproportionally poor outcomes across society, partly as a result of systemic/institutional racism within the educational system. NBPAUK’s existence is important for providing support and resources to assist the parents of children from such backgrounds.

 How the NBPAUK will unite

(i) Through creating an easily accessible directory of partners and services for signposting parents

(ii) Through creating partnerships with relevant organisations that are committed to the shared vision

(iii) Through use of online spaces to support a network for parents

 How the NBPAUK will educate

(i) By providing a programme of seminars across the year on a range of education-based subjects for parents to access

(ii) By devising a catalogue of easily accessible learning resources for children and parents

(iii) By keeping parents up to date with progress and developments of the NBPAUK national aims

  How the NBPAUK will empower

(i) By offering an online platform for parents to communicate their views

(ii) By offering support and guidance to enable parents to maintain channels of constructive communication to navigate through the educational system

(iii) By offering advice and support on holding constructive conversations with institutions and/or agencies to achieve the best outcomes for their child/children

We strongly believe that now is the time for change.

It takes a village to raise a child, and with over 100,000 Members, we will have the clout and resources to protect, support, and uplift our Young People across the UK!

Now is the time for us to be heard. Now is the time for us to work as a collective, to work together to create better educational outcomes and life chances for our children.

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Our Events

Join us at our events, online and in-person, throughout the year where we hold seminars, workshops, and conferences covering a range of subjects specific to our four key service areas for the Community to access across the globe.

Access Our Events Here


Please note that this is an online signposting platform. Whilst we have been led to believe that those who provide any service listed on the platform are well-intentioned, qualified and positioned to help our community, please note that the National Black Parents Association UK C.I.C ("NBPAUK") cannot and will not accept any responsibility or liability for any advice, diagnosis or intervention given by that individual and/or organisation cited as a "Service Provider" on this Platform. The person who makes contact with a Service Provider listed on this Platform to use their services for themselves or who makes contact on behalf of others, must carry out their own due diligence on the individual and/or organisation with whom they wish to engage/connect.

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